Thursday, September 24, 2015

Serrafiend Interview

Today on the 9th Gym Leader I'll be interviewing Serrafiend, a player who focuses more on breeding and theorycrafting over tournaments and competitive battling.

-So Serrafiend, let's get the basics out of the way. What was the first generation you ever played and what starter did you pick?
I started with Gen 4 and Pearl version. I actually got into it really late. I was always a  Sony kid growing up so it was a while before I got my first handheld. For starters I picked Piplup, which was weird since I usually like fire types but I didn't like chimchar at all.

-Not until Gen 4? Wow. Well now that you've played so many, what has been your favouite Gen and starter.
Well since I played Pearl, I have gone back and played every Gen. I Even bought a GBA especially to play Ruby and Sapphire which wound up being my favourite versions. I think it might have been because I thought it was so hard as a kid. For my favourite starter I have two. If we're talking looks then it has always been Chikorita, it's adorable. Use wise though it's Empoleon, it's such a beast.

-What has been your best Pokemon related me more?
That's a hard one. I think I'd have to go with watching the anime before school. It was always such a great way to start your day off when you're young. Also, I have a lot of great memories of when I started getting super into the card game.

-So you've played the card game a lot?
When I was a kid yeah. I never understood the rules I'm sure. I just thought they looked cool and liked collecting things. Then when I was older I met some people at work who were into it so I got back in and started thinking up strategies and playing for real. when I was a kid I was like I like all these Pokemon let's shove them in a deck.

-Did you ever try any card tournaments?
Yeah, not as a kid though. I went to one official one a while ago and one regular event. I was still pretty new at that point though.

-How did you do?
Not too great *laugh* There's something different from theory crafting and playing another real person. Trying to figure out what they're thinking kind of.

-Do you prefer either the video game or the cards?
Definitely the video game. There's just so much more to it. I don't know. I'm more of an antisocial gamer. I like playing for myself. Also the card game is like really expensive... if you really want to get into it of course.

-What's your favourite Pokemon spin off game?
Aside from the cards the only ones I really tried is Ranger and I really like that one. Wait, do the 64 games count? If so then Pokemon Snap, that is my favourite game of all time. Especially Snap drinking games, I'm really good at those.

-In your opinion what has been the best new change to the series?
With all the breeding I do I'd say it would have to be when they made TMs reusable. Oh, also destiny knot, everstone, and power items' effects on breeding. It just makes it so much easier. I'm also a big fan of fairy type, it's almost replaced fire type as my favourite.

-You've mentioned liking both fire and fairy types, why do you like them so much?
Fire types are just so fast and are usually hard hitters. A lot of them are aesthetically pleasing too. And fairies? Aesthetically pleasing holds true. They're cuter. They're a lot bulkier and that's something I'm usually missing from my teams. I'm sort of attracted to glass cannons.

-What is something you think should be added to the game?
I would love it if they had more eeveelutions. I was really looking forward to last gen when I thought we were getting two but only got Sylveon. I was expecting two because that has been the pattern. Start with three, then release two unique ones where one is strong against the other. I figured that we would get a poison Eevee that Gen that would be strong against Sylveon. If I had to ask for a specific type of Eegee though, I'd want a ghost Eevee.

-Why do you think they only released one?
I'm not sure, probably just to hype up fairy, that's my best guess.

-If you were a gym leader what would your puzzle and MVP be?
Ninetails no hesitation. Purely because it's my favourite Pokemon. For the puzzle though… hmm… Some sort of math puzzle. I always liked Blaine's questions. That was my favourite gym. Usually I don't like the gym puzzles at all though, Just let me fight you!

-So a portal opens up and Pokemon has just crossed over with your favourite non-pokemon game. What is the result?
Actually it already exists, Pixelmon. It would make minecraft so much cooler since instead of just a regular Ocelot following you around you'd have a creature that shoots fire or lightening. Or like, you could build your own daycare and breed Pokemon like you do with horses.

-Does your day job as an FQA Test Lead for a game testing company affect how you play or see Pokemon?
Well I don't get much time since I'm so busy, I can pretty much only play on weekends. We're all nerds at work so there's always someone to talk to about it. That's actually how I got into the card game later in life. It doesn't really affect how I play the game though, other how much time I have. I've never opened a Pokemon game and thought let's look for bugs. Pokemon is my me time. It's an escape from work. Besides, Nintendo games are usually pretty bug free since they do their own QA.

-When you do battle competitively, what is your style?
Well umm what I WANT to do is sweep but I can't really do that against stall which is what I battle 90% of the time so I have to find ways around it. I love fast special attacking glass cannons. Although I do like the occasional physical attackers too. Anything that's fast and hits hard really.

-What do you think of the competitive scene?
It's unfortunate that people don't play with what they like and instead use only what will win. I always try to play with Pokemon I like or can relate to. Then again it could be just because I'm not very competitive.

-Why aren't you competitive?
I don't know, that's my time for myself. I work a job where I'm working with a team of people and it's nice to just relax by yourself. I don't want to have to talk to more people when I get home.

-What changes would you like to see to the competitive scene?
More variety. I never use legendaries, I find that a bit unfair. I mean they're designed that way as a bit of a reward for beating the game. I use them as trophies and that's all.

-As an homage to Kantocast what is your favourite Eeveelution?
Can I have 2? Flareon and Sylveon. Flareon because it's one of the originals, one of my favourite types and it's pretty cute. And Sylveon hmm, I guess it's also pretty cute and it's a fairy. So one for aesthetics and one for looks. I also have a bit of a soft spot for umbreon and espeon just for their usage. Ok, ok, ok, Flareon I pick Flareon.

-Thank you very much for your time Serrafiend. If you have your own questions and comments for Serrafiend you can find her on twitter @Serrafiend. If you would like to check out a great Pokemon podcast you can look for KantoCast on iTunes or follow @KantoCast on twitter for updates. Lastly, to stay up to date you can follow myself @ScottyDuzzeno and as always stay groovy guys.

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